Should I send this email to the Principal of an international school? Or rise above the snub? Comment through LinkedIn.

Published by Chris Ogilvie-Taylor, CEO of Marsden Grant Int on 08 March 2015

Dear Principal,
One of your school's senior managers was recently sent an email as part of a campaign with a special offer of our front of class display, CleverTouch. He replied and asked for volume pricing, shipping charges and additional detailed specifications. Our international schools team worked on his requests and duly emailed the details. We heard nothing back so one of the team members emailed him and asked for his questions. No response again so we left it for a couple of weeks and emailed once again to ask if his interest was still live. No response. In fact, he never responded to us again.

We won’t get rich or go bankrupt with or without your school's business. That’s not the point. What gets to me as CEO of the company is the lack of good manners and common decency demonstrated by this manager to us. As commercial providers are we lesser beings in his eyes not worthy of normal standards to be applied? Is this the standard that you expect from your school's management? 

What does it take to send the very briefest of acknowledgements or the shortest of explanations as to why he isn't proceeding? I can tell him what it takes – 60 seconds of his time and a common courtesy.  It’s not asking much but it’s enough that my staff would feel their time and efforts were worthwhile.

My old Headmaster used to tell us that what goes around comes around and that today’s buyers may be tomorrow’s sellers. As specialist front of class technology providers to international schools for over ten years we’ve witnessed the actuality of this prophesy a number of times. Something worth dwelling on the next time he feels a discourtesy coming on?

My regards,
Chris Ogilvie-Taylor
Marsden Grant International - a business with old school values providing new school technology.

Tel: +44 20 7706 2896  office 







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A definition of discourtesy